
Acciaierie Valbruna is a private company with 2,500 employees and an annual output of approximately 200,000 tonnes of specialty steels.

Stainless Steel Focus Acciaierie Valbruna SpA Cover Story 2016


Acciaierie Valbruna is a private company with 2,500 employees and an annual output of approximately 200,000 tonnes of specialty steels.

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Acciaierie Valbruna SpA

With a global distribution network for stainless steel long products

Acciaierie Valbruna is a private company with 2,500 employees and an annual output of approximately 200,000 tonnes of specialty steels. The company is a fully-integrated pro-ducer of stainless steel, high nickel and titanium alloy long products with mills in Vicen-za and Bolzano in Italy, as well as in Fort Wayne in the USA. Its products meet the highest technical requirements for the most demanding of applications, and it has an extensive global distribution network ensuring constant direct contact with customers wherever they may be located around the world.

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Cover story publish in Stainless Steel Focus